TOP Popular Overseas Destinations for Russian Tourists in Summer 2023

Summer 2024 promises to be a period of active tourism for Russian travelers, despite various challenges and changes in the travel industry. We present to you the top 5 most popular overseas destinations for Russian tourists this summer.

  1. Turkey: Taking the first place in our ranking is Turkey. Despite some challenges, such as low booking depth and waiting for election results, this popular resort remains at the top. Turkey attracts tourists with its numerous accommodation options and a wide range of flight programs from various regions of Russia. It is estimated that around 3 million Russian tourists will vacation in Turkey this summer.
    • Average length of stay: 10 nights.
    • Average tour cost for two: 215,000-265,000 rubles.
    • More than two-thirds of tourists are traveling to Turkey with children.
  2. Abkhazia: Abkhazia takes the second place in the ranking. This destination can attract up to 1 million Russian tourists, including day trips from Sochi. The average tour cost includes flights and is 80,000-100,000 rubles.
  3. Egypt: Egypt takes the conditional third place, with an expected arrival of more than 300,000 Russian tourists in the summer. This country has the best dynamics of booking growth. The average tour cost to Egypt is around 200,000 rubles for two.
  4. UAE (United Arab Emirates): The UAE has become a year-round destination, and this summer it can be visited by around 300,000 Russian tourists. The average tour cost to the UAE is approximately 150,000-170,000 rubles for two.
  5. Thailand: Thailand takes the fifth place, with an expected arrival of around 200,000 Russian tourists this summer. The average tour cost to Thailand is approximately 200,000 rubles for two.

Outside of this top five, there are many other exciting destinations for summer vacations, including:

  • Maldives: It is estimated that around 50,000-55,000 tourists will visit the Maldives this summer, with an average tour cost for two of 400,000-500,000 rubles.
  • Cuba: This summer, more than 30,000 Russian tourists can visit Cuba. The average tour cost to this country is around 280,000 rubles.
  • Sri Lanka: An estimated 30,000 tourists will visit Sri Lanka in the summer, with an average tour cost for two of 170,000-180,000 rubles.
  • Cyprus: Approximately 10,000 tourists will visit Cyprus this summer, with an average weekly tour cost for two of 230,000-260,000 rubles.
  • Seychelles: About 8,000 tourists will visit Seychelles in three summer months, with an average tour cost ranging from 350,000 to 500,000 rubles for two.

Additionally, several thousand people will embark on summer vacations to Greece, Italy, and France, as well as take cruises in the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. Some market players also note increased interest in Japan, South Korea, summer Qatar, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan (vacations on the Caspian Sea).

No matter which destination you choose for this summer season, the most important thing is to ensure that your vacation is memorable and filled with positive experiences!